A New Curate is Coming!

We are absolutely delighted that Yvonne Desroches will be joining our Group of Churches as Pioneer Curate at the end of June. A Pioneer Curate is someone who is training for ministry and has a particular role seeking new opportunities for our Churches to share the good news of Jesus. I (Haydon) am really looking forward to working alongside and training Yvonne, as well as learning a lot from her. Please do pray for Yvonne, her husband Simon and their family as she finishes her training and gets ready for ordination. Her ordination service will take place on June 28th 2020 at Peterborough Cathedral. We will share details of the service and how we will travel together to support Yvonne nearer the time.

Yvonne and Simon will be visiting us over the next few weeks to say hello.

Here’re a few things about Yvonne that she thought were important to share with you all. There’ll be much more to come!A few things that might interest you about me as we begin to get to know one another and journey together.

Who am I?

A wife to Simon, a mother and grandmother.  Friends and family are treasures I value, included in this is being a commissioned member of the Church Army Community.

What can I offer?

40 Years’ worth of work in Nursing, the Police Authority and community resettlement have helped me to view life through many different perspectives and with different lenses. Community life experiences have equipped me with transferable skills that enable a flexible, compassionate, inclusive approach to life situations.  I am a reflector.

What energises me?

Pioneering brings great opportunities to encourage everyone to explore the big questions in life. I love seeing people flourish and grasp opportunities for them to do so. Jesus is definitely in my boat and steers the way.

Our Chocolate Labrador both energises and wears me out.!

I love to play the Saxophone although this is a very new skill, so playing is a little hard on the ears for those listening, I live in hope that this improves over time. 

Photography is something I enjoy and took over from my passion of scuba diving.   I am no longer able to visit the bottom of the ocean, due to an ongoing disability!  

I love trying new things, having fun, and being around others.  

Simon and I are very excited about where God is leading us.

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