Sunday Worship for June 28th 2020

Welcome to the page for our Sunday service for June 28th 2020. Today we will be sharing Communion, so do have bread and wine or juice to hand for that part of the service. Our theme for today centres around standing up for what we believe, just as Peter and John had to when they had to defend themselves after healing the man begging at the gate called Beautiful which we heard about last week.

We will meet again on The Emmanuel Group of Churches Facebook Page at 10.30, with the stream of the service starting shortly beforehand so that you can find it. After it is complete, a video of the service will appear below.

During the time that we are meeting solely online, we are exploring new ways of worshipping. This will be particularly important for many months to come as it seems unlikely that we will be able to sing or share in the ways that we are used to when we meet together in our buildings. So, alongside one song today, we have a powerful reflection from Stuart Jenkins on God, Church, History and Us.

Thank you too to David Bell, James O’Sullivan, Krissy Cressey, Jo and Chris Pearson and Doug Spenceley for their contributions to today’s service.

Krissy’s excellent craft activity and discussion questions are below:

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Registered Charity in England and Wales No. 1140504
Weston Favell Shopping Centre Northampton, NN3 8JR | 01604 402150

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