Welcome to the page for our Sunday Worship service for June 21st 2020. Today we’re looking at the story found in Acts 3:1-10 when Peter and John heal a man who is begging at a ‘gate called Beautiful’ outside the temple in Jerusalem. The man who was begging asked for money, but he got a lot more than that from God, as we will find out during our service today.
As it has done for a few months now, the service will take place on the Emmanuel Group of Churches Facebook page. Do join us there shortly before 10.30. After the service is over, it will be on our YouTube page as well as just below this paragraph.
This week James Fearnley is preaching, we will have stories from Maureen Luke and Peter Angus, along with prayers from Doug Spenceley. We’ll also sing two songs, At the Name of Jesus and Blessed Be the Name of the Lord (if you were in church a few years ago, you’ll know this one, it has actions).
If you’d like to pray about anything in particular during the service, do let us know and we will do our very best to make sure it is included. You can do so either by commenting on this post, or by visiting the Emmanuel Prayer Request site
Krissy Cressey has again offered us some great discussion questions to think about. Here they are:
We would love it if you would spend more time with this story in the week ahead, either on your own or in one of our house groups. Here are some more questions and pointers to help your praying and learning this week.