As we mark Remembrance Sunday for 2020, do join us for our Online Service for today.
As we worship God and thank Him for the freedom we have today, we will be looking at Psalm 70 and Psalm 88. Both of these Psalms focus heavily on living a life of faith in difficult times, times of suffering, uncertainty and even violence. We will be looking at both wars between nations and the wars that can take place within each one of us as we seek to love God and thank Him for His love for us, too.
Responding to our Act of Remembrance, offered by Doug Spenceley, we will also be considering the Beatitudes from Matthew 5:1-12, Jesus’s promise of blessing for people who are part of His kingdom family. The ones who are promised blessing aren’t the ones we might expect…
Krissy has again provided us with a wonderful craft activity for today. To get a head-start on it, you. can watch it below.
Here is The Beatitudes Through the Voice of a Child
Here are some discussion questions for children and families to use together from Krissy.
If you want to spend some time with the Psalms we have looked at today in prayer and reflection, feel free to use this sheet