Welcome to the page for our Sunday morning service on July 19th 2020. Today we are looking at a challenging passage of Scripture from the beginning of Acts 5 when Ananias and Sapphira lack trust in God’s ability to provide for them and their lack of trust is discovered.
Meanwhile, Krissy is looking at Jonah and his trust in God, or lack of it, too.
Thank you to the many people who have played a part in putting this service together.
We will meet on The Emmanuel Group of Churches Facebook Page with the stream starting shortly before 10.30 to give everyone the chance to get settled in. Here is the recording of the service
Here are some questions from Krissy for you think about this week.
Obi is preaching this week. He has sent in the transcript of his talk which you are welcome to download if you wish to.
Here is this week’s sheet for Bible Study, whether on your own or in a House Group