Would you like to make a difference this Advent?
Our God is a hospitable God and welcomes all people. He loves us completely and unconditionally, as Christians we are called to do the same. Hospitality is an attitude that warms the heart, an action of love and a way of living.
We all know that it is easier to love some people than others and offer hospitality with family and friends than with a stranger. However, Scripture teaches us something very different. The stories of Jesus show us that if we practice true hospitality, people will feel at home in our presence. As we open our hearts, our hands, and our homes, sharing our resources and our needs, we both give and receive. God can use us to make a difference and touch lives.
If you want to get involved, it’s easy ….. even in these uncertain times.
This Hospitality Advent Calendar offers and invites us to make a practical response and open the doors to a deeper friendship with Jesus and one another. When we shine (like the stars on the calendar) with the love and hospitality of Christ, God lives in us, building us up, encouraging and equipping us to join in with God’s work. Hospitality is contagious, it invites others to do the same. What an amazing gift.
Therefore, with open hearts, hands, and homes, God can do incredible things. Follow the suggestions on the 25 stars, to help you to shine with the gift of Hospitality. We all have at least 25 ways to make a difference this Advent season.