Over the weekend of May 29th-31st 2020 we are inviting you to pray. The time of prayer will run from Friday at 7 where we gather for a short service on The Emmanuel Group Facebook Page. It will conclude at 8PM on Sunday 31st.
We’re asking you to pray around 3 particular areas:
Firstly, simply spend time with God. Not asking for anything particular, not offering to do anything particular for God. Simply spend time with Him. Building our relationship with Him through the spending of time is a valuable thing to do.
Secondly, pray that the tide would turn in the Coronavirus pandemic, not just here, but around the world.
Thirdly, pray for God’s leading and guiding in how we can be a family of faith both now and beyond the time of the pandemic. We want to love and serve our community in the best way possible and see people come to know Jesus. We need God’s help with that.
You can sign up for an hour (or more) over the weekend by visiting
The Emmanuel Prayer Weekend Calendar
If you want some help with how topiary for the pandemic, here’s a helpful guide
An Hour of Prayer for the Coronavirus Pandemic
We have some excellent resources for children and families so that they can join in the weekend too.
Here are a couple of videos we think you’ll find helpful. The first is from the recent Spring Harvest At Home event.
The second is from a friend of Emmanuel, John McGinley.
Whether you consider yourself a regular pray-er or not, please join us next weekend!
Isaiah 4 v 18/19
This is what God says:
Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history.
Be ALERT, be present. I’m about to do something brand -new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?