Sunday Worship for September 6th 2020

Welcome to the page for our Sunday morning service for September 6th 2020. Today, we’re starting a new series looking at themes of worship, life and faith through the Book of Psalms between now and the end of September. We’re excited to see how these prayers, poems and songs, which have been used by faithful people for thousands of years, can inform our faith and help us to draw close to God today.

As usual, the service will take place on The Emmanuel Group of Churches Facebook page at 10.30AM, with the stream starting a few minutes before that to give you a few minutes to find it. We will ensure that the service is on YouTube and on this page shortly after it is finished… Here it is:

Krissy has put together an amazing craft series for this term, which I (Haydon) would really encourage everyone to watch and engage with, whether you think you are a younger person or not. I really think it will help you to engage deeply with the Book of Psalms and the stories from elsewhere in the Bible that we are using to point us to the particular themes we will be looking at together.

As well as the craft ideas, Krissy has continued to prepare family discussion questions. Here are this week’s

We are again providing material for house groups and individual study and reflection with this series. Here is the sheet for this week. Whether you are in a group or look at them yourself, we hope that you will find it helpful to delve deeper into the Bible through these notes and questions.

If you’d like to read them, here are the notes for Haydon’s sermon for this morning’s service

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Registered Charity in England and Wales No. 1140504
Weston Favell Shopping Centre Northampton, NN3 8JR | 01604 402150

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